Simple feature toggle handling with Symfony

Today I released me first Symfony bundel on GitHub: FeatureToggleBundle. With this bundle, you can handle simple feature toggles very easy on the backend and also via twig extension.

You can basically setup your feature toggles on the config.yml file in your app:

# app/config/config.yml
        feature_toggles_name: # change it to the name of your feature toggle
            state: enabled # change to disabled for disable your feature toggle
            description: # this option is optional and will be used later

You can use the service on the controller like this:

if ($this->get('kukulili_labs_feature_toggle.feature_toggles')->isEnabled('feature_toggles_name')) {

or on the template site with the twig extension:

{% if feature_toggle_is_enabled('feature_toggles_name') %}
{% endif %}

If you want to dis-/enable a specific feature toggle on a session (like for a test), you can use the service again:


Have fun!